A7- 01 Beach tourism urban area, Dang Thi Nhu, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan


Breakfast Service

Dishes are displayed on individual plates on the buffet counter. Hot dishes are kept warm in the buffet pot, along with many types of fruits and vegetables displayed on luxurious stainless steel shelves. The height of the counter is designed to be high enough so choosing or taking breakfast buffet dishes is also very easy.

Service cafe

Coffee service is one of the hotel's highlights, with many types of specialty coffee from Vietnam and the world, prepared by professional and dedicated baristas. You can enjoy a delicious and rich cup of coffee at Bien Nho, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful coastal city of Phan Thiet. In addition, you can also order in-room coffee service, giving you the most private and convenient experience.